Dr. Haseeb Irfanullah

Part-time Visiting Research Fellow | Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)

Dr. Haseeb Irfanullah

Part-time Visiting Research Fellow | Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)


Dr. Haseeb Irfanullah is the Programme Coordinator of IUCN Bangladesh and has been leading the programme team for past 4 years. Over the last 18 years, Mr. Irfanullah evolved from being a botanist to an aquatic ecologist to a conservationist to a development practitioner. At the current stage of his evolution, he focused in nature-people-knowledge nexus. Over these years, he have developed interest in and understanding of climate change adaptation, disaster risk management, natural resource management, biodiversity conservation, and environmental governance – all focusing on human well-being.

He has worked with many environmental, development and research organizations (IUCN, Practical Action, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, ICCCAD/IUB, INASP, British Council, American Center, BRAC University, DelPHE, APN, IPCC & UNFCCC), donors (ADB and DFID) and Government’s agencies in different capacities. He is also associated with many peer-reviewed journals, learned societies, funding agencies, and knowledge and professional networks. Dr Irfanullah helps organizations with strategic direction and expert opinion; influencing policy and practice; planning, managing and ensuring quality of programmes; and fundraising and financial management.